May 2024 Rides

A page featuring galleries and links for cycle tours undertaken during May 2024.

I ride regularly, and I do not necessarily post a web page for each tour I do.

I do post to Facebook, Garmin Connect, Strava and occasionally to Komoot and Instagram.

Monthly Tours

A Ride Interrupted in Gö.. – May 20 2024

For some it might come like an assassin’s dagger driven into the chest as if in a Shakespearean tragedy. For me it was different, a vampiric entity was draining painlessly my life essence out of me.

The Grim reaper had placed its fingers on my shoulder, but my ride companions had placed me in a bubble of safety and my final exit was thwarted.

The Gö Gravel scouting ride out to the Seeburger See had been great and we had enjoyed pommes and cake at the lake. Riding back to Gö I began to lose the wheels of the others and despite some firm pushes from Josh my blood pressure was going awry. I insisted to everyone that I would be OK and that I just needed a rest, they called an ambulance and cared for me, and they were real heroes.

Out of the blue I had suffered a serious heart attack caused by plaque in my artery breaking off and blocking it and collapsing it. They told me that my heart is very strong and did not suffer heart failure and this is why I remained awake and suffered no pain. In the hospital emergency they reinflated the artery with a Stent. My prognosis is excellent because my heart was almost undamaged and additionally, they told me that things could be better because I had been living with heart disease for some time.

48 hours later I was discharged from the Krankenhaus and I will soon be back on my bike potentially stronger – so eat my dust Göttingen!

On Strava:

P:S. They cut off my Brixton top…

GöGravel- Strade Bianche – Fast Ride – May 16 2024

A new concept for the informal Gö Gravel social ride with a fast tempo upon the white roads of Gö.

Cats and dogs fell from the sky and the average pace of the group was 26kph. Afterward we ate ice cream in the rain accompanied by lots of hugs.

By using brain and our good looks, Victoria* and I were able to cheat taking short cuts which was great fun and especially when we popped out of nowhere to greet the peloton.

Danke for their company: Ann, Josh, Jonas, Tim M, Chris, Felix T, Max, Jonas, and Victoria.

On Strava:

*She is excused any condemnation because she rode 191km on Sonntag!

We Go Up to Go Down a Great Descent – May 15 2024

A road ride with the highlight being the descent from the Großer Bocksbühle. Or was it the ice cream afterward that made for a special ride?

Danke for their company: Chris, Konstantin, and Josh (they waited for me on the hilltop).

On Strava:

Gö Gravel Hoher Hagen Gauß Tour in Gö – May 12 2024

We scouted a future Gö Gravel informal gravel ride taking us out of Gö to the Hoher Hogan the highest height in the immediate area – Mehr info.

Beating The Ice Saints in Gö – May 9 2024

In May the Ice Saints visit Central Europe bringing frigid air and I have felt their touch in recent days, but the sun was shining on this short ride making it nice and warm most of the time.

Today is a public holiday in DE marking Ascension Day (Himmelfahrt) and it is also Father’s Day when men in general pull a Bollerwagen weighed down with beer and trundle drunkenly about the area. The roots of this are when people used to go into the fields to pray for a good harvest.

What is interesting was that we spied only one traditional male only group whilst young men and women dominated the others. A seismic shift in DE culture?

On Strava:

Pssst We Are Roadies Now – May 7 2024

Members of the Gö Gravel Gruppo Internazionale have turned to the dark side, and on this tour, we rode road bikes exclusively on the asphalt.

New bikes for Konstantin and Victoria.

We rode an established Paceheads tour to the Northwest of Gö and chosen by Victoria.

On route we visited Lenglern and here my companions listened patiently as I gave them a history lesson….  It was at Lenglern that the Nazi´s threatened to blow up an ammunition factory (Air Force Munitionsanstalt 3 / VI’ in Lenglern) near the end of World War Two as the US Army approached. If it had gone bang the estimated 30km blast zone would have included the city potentially destroying it.

Lenglern was a place of forced labour as was Harste where a French prisoner of war camp was situated during WW2.

Danke to Konstantin, Josh, and Victoria for their wonderful company.

On Strava:

Gö Gravel Social Ride, (Abfahrten und technik) – May 5 2024

The latest informal Gö Gravel social ride mixed in with a bit of skills practice.

The tour featured climbs to the west of Gö and on route Josh offered tips of how to ride technical descents.

Danke for their company: Alex, Ann, Bianca, Chris, Damian, David, Diana, Ekki, Felix T, Johannis 1, Jonas, Josh, Patrick S, Robin, Rostyslav, SlowJoe (Johannis 2), Timor, Ulf, and Victoria.

It was great to meet up after the ride with Konstantin in the P-Café who the day before had ridden from Potsdam to Leipzig – lots of cobbles he said. Well done to him!

On Strava:

Gö Strade Bianche 56km – May 1 2024

When I first came to and began riding in Göttingen I quickly fell in love with the myriad of gravel trails in the Leine Valley, and they are white when dry. 

Initially I had to ride them on a road bike until my CX machine arrived, which was fun.

I soon began to document routes and this ride was my first and it was the beginning of Gö Gravel which morphed from the Gö Strade Bianche group.

I stamped my Gö Gravel Brevet karte and that of Konstantin to mark the occassion. Danke Konstantin for a great ride.

At ride end we bumped into the Paceheads Roadies.

I rode almost the same route with Josh and David in 2021 – You Tube

On Strava:

The original Gö Strade Bianche Brevet Karte – I stamped my new Gö Gravel Brevet karte to mark the ride.

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